Text-To-Speech Component |
- IBM ViaVoice includes Text-To-Speech (TTS) component called VirtualVoices.
- VirtualVoices packaged as an ActiveX control.
- Wrapped into Smalltalk with OleApplicationFramework.
- Application variable created as single access point.
- Existing Smalltalk classes such as Time, Date, Integer, Fraction extended with method
speakString. speakString answers a string which can be 'spoken' by VirtualVoices.
- Date today speakString -- 'Tuesday, April 14th 1998'
- Time now speakString -- '11:05 p m'
- (1/7) speakString -- '1 seventh'
- TTS usage had to be coordinated with Voice Recognition and RealAudio since only one can use
the sound card at a time.
- Audio volume level temporarily reset to a 'standard' volume.